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Most of the projects documented here are from our partners, but also from users worldwide – designers, architects or the clients themselves. Though the requirements and design interpretation may differ, they are all testimony to the enjoyment of play with which the projects were conceived and implemented. Perhaps as you surf through this website you will be inspired to discover the play potential of our systems. We'd like that.

Homie - Interzoo 2024
114 m2
Kutes Metal - CastForge 2024
50 m2
Traveling exhibition Work in Transition
300 m2
Bayreuth: "Rosalie and Wagner"
100 m2
Museum in a Nutshell
4 m2
BMW Showroom
15 m2
Family Companies in East Germany from 1945 till now
50 m2
Hyundai – IAA 2021
534 m2
Design Center Baden-Württemberg hosted the exhibition "THANK YOU BURKHARDT, Burkhardt Leitner’s 50 Years in Design"