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pila is a connector-support system with screw connection.


The precision-cast special steel connectors are, together with the supports of natural-anodized aluminum, the basic design elements of the system. Other structural elements such as diagonal braces, trusses and angle reinforcements made of high-strength special steel ensure the stability of even the most complex structures. Four system grooves permit the use of a wide variety of materials as wall and ceiling panels, and also the subsequent attachment of a wealth of accessories.

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Projects with pila two storey
Tezmarine Boatshow - Istanbul
1800 m2
TIM UIA Kongress - Istanbul
500 m2
WashTec Group - Frankfurt
1216 m2
Santralistanbul - Istanbul
149 m2
Petkim - Düsseldorf
72 m2
BMW - Egypt
348 m2
Schuco - Istanbul
210 m2
Numarine Boatshow - Istanbul
1700 m2
Sonorous - Berlin
125 m2
Piovan Spa - Dusseldorf
320 m2